Campfire Killer

A low budget, character slasher, aimed to lampoon the genre of slashers from the 1980's as well as flip the established tropes that feminist theory has pointed to as problematic .

The plot is about a campfire killer and that's all I'm going to say about it. Secrecy and all that to avoid getting ripped of and yadda yadda yadda. But it's going to be scary and also a little humorous.

If you would like to be a part of this production, please reach out to us.

Future Productions

 - "A Dance in the Sun" - A 1970's inspired road movie high-octane romance.

- "Figmental" - A 1980's inspired fantasy film set in a forgotten magical land where wizards and sorcerers prank each other in horrible devious ways.

- "Silent Transmission" - A science fiction action/comedy film set on a quarantine station in the far reaches of space where everything that can go wrong does go wrong.

- "The Witching Hours" - A Halloween miniseries set in a small town focused on a group of kids.

- "Cauldron" - A Sci-Fi horror about a science team, an abandoned moon, and the monsters within.